A tough stage of parenting…

Disclaimer: this picture does not reflect what my kids actually look like today, only what I see when I look at them.

I find myself having a tough time parenting lately.  With my kids now at or approaching the late teen years and the end of the “school days”, I am finding it harder and harder to know when to assume control of situations and responses to situations and when to back off.  I have always allowed my kids to resolve their problems for themselves and think independently – under the watchful and supportive eyes of mom and dad and with liberal amounts of counsel and advice as needed.  But now, when I should be happy with the “payoff ” of all our hard work and the independence it brings to the kids and to Terry and I, instead I feel hurt and shut out.  How dumb is that?

They just don’t seem to get the importance of grades, relationships, dedication, commitment (I could go on and on…) in quite the same why I do!  Well, OK – I’m a bit older than they are and I see things differently through the lens of experience and wisdom – DON’T THEY GET THAT!?!  Um, sorry – got a little excited for a moment.  I think they DO get it, maybe more than I give them credit for sometimes.  Could it be that it is time to follow through on all of my talk about wanting them to be independent, take their faith on for themselves, come to terms with ways to live out their convictions, and – oh no – to allow them to make mistakes (in a controlled environment with me and Dad here to help pick up the pieces, of course)?

I understood separation anxiety when it happened to the kids when they were little, but I am finding it harder to take as a parent.   Maybe because I am so used to feeling in control, even though that has never really been true anyways.  The only one truly in control, now and throughout time to bring us all to this place, is God.

I just finished reading chapter two of “Trusting God” by Jerry Bridges.  It is titled “Is God in Control?” and his firm answer is absolutely.  God’s divine providence is His constant care for and His absolute rule over all His creation for His glory and the good of His people.  I know that in all things – in everyday mundane things and gradual life changes as well as in the hurtful, lasting sufferings that life brings – I must trust God.  I must trust that He is continually at work in every aspect and every moment of my life and in the lives of my kids.  Wow!

God give me the patience to rest in your providence and to know that, even though it is feeling like my parenting work is almost done (that will never actually happen!), You love my kids and are working all things for their ultimate good because they love You and have been called according to Your purpose (Romans 8:28).


All ready for Christmas Brunch! It will be a day early this year.


This gallery contains 3 photos.

Since Christmas falls on Sunday this year, we decided to have the annual Christmas brunch on Christmas Eve – Saturday morning! All the traditional stuff – Grandma’s coffee cake, cream cheese eggs and roadside potatoes. I have tried to change Continue reading All ready for Christmas Brunch! It will be a day early this year.


It MUST be close to Christmas…


This gallery contains 4 photos.

…even my dogs are behaving!  I wonder what they think they might get if they are good!  Or maybe they are plotting something – we better be careful.  Chipotle does put land mines (his toys) on the stairs hoping to Continue reading It MUST be close to Christmas…


A treasure restored…

My husband just told me that a package will be coming for me by UPS in the next couple of days.  Through internet searching, he found and ordered for me something I have been looking for literally for years!

One of my prized possessions back in college was a huge (36″ x 81″) collage poster of MGM Movie classics that was created in 1975 to promote the movie “That’s Entertainment”.  I bought my copy from a souvenir shop in Universal Studios in the early ’80’s for about $20 and it traveled with me – and was proudly displayed whenever possible – for many years.  It has graced the walls of a couple of dorm rooms, several apartments  and finally the garage wall of our first condo.  When we moved into our house 13 years ago, there was no place to put it up (did I mention that it’s huge?).  So it was relegated to the garage and was consequently eaten by bugs (bugs with no sense of cinematic history whatsoever!).  This is it’s current condition:

So there you go – the history and demise of my treasured poster.  Now I hope you can see why this poster holds a place in my heart and why I am so pleased with Terry’s efforts in securing a new one.  And I’m sure that the replacement has cost us much more than the original $20 investment, but it is now a rare collectible, right?  To me, it is worth every penny!

But also please understand that “treasure” is really way too strong a word for my feelings for this poster – I know that.  Classic MGM musicals, and stars such as Judy Garland, Doris Day, Lena Horne, Bing Crosby, and so many more are things that I really enjoy in this life.  You can add sports (playing and watching), music, theater, science fiction, books, computer stuff – and the list of things I “love” in this world could go on and on.  And, of course, all of the people and relationships in my life are far more loved and treasured than any of the “things” I could possibly ever enjoy.

Even with my joy over replacing this silly poster, don’t worry about me.  I know that the real treasure is knowing Jesus and trusting in Him for the more important things in this life and for my “best life”, which is not here and now as some would have you think,  but is to come and is to last forever!  And I want to take as many folks with me as I can…

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal,  but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:19-21 ESV


My New Life – Low Carb, Low Fat Wonderfulness…


Well, it’s time to come to grips with my situation and make some changes.  Maybe a public proclamation will help keep me on the straight and narrow this time.

My sugar is high (not diabetic…yet), my cholesterol is high, my blood pressure is high and my weight – well it’s high,too.

Time to make some changes!  I have signed up for Weight Watchers online and am trying to change my evil ways – at least when it comes to food.

I guess veggies and fish are my new best friends – and starches, sugar and fat are the enemy.

Your prayers and encouragement would be greatly appreciated!


Happy 18th Birthday Anna!!!

Anna – I hope you are having a great 18th birthday!  I’m glad it’s finally here, I was getting really tired of the constant countdown.

It’s time to celebrate your childhood and look forward to seeing what God will do with you as a young adult.  May you continue to trust in God for your daily needs as well as for the marvelous future He has in store for you!

I love you little girl.

…the drippings of the honeycomb are
sweet to your taste.
Know that wisdom is such to your soul;
if you find it, there will be a future,
and your hope will not be cut off.

Proverbs 24:13b-14 ESV


My kids are a blessing…and not always just to me!

My kids, along with Victoria from the youth group and Jesus from GGHS, blessed a bunch of elderly folks by leading a worship service at Emeritus in Orange this afternoon. Anna did a great job playing guitar and leading worship, and Tim gave the message!

Tim taught on the importance of being a Christian of courage and authenticity even when confronted by difficult times and people. He used the example of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his courage and faithfulness in speaking truth to his congregants, neighbors and even directly to the Nazis in the face of certain death.  He did a great job!  The verse for the lesson was:

Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right.

– Proverbs 20:11

Well, my kids sure showed me something today…


Getting the Old Gizmo Back!!!

My Gizmo is beginning to get back to normal – finally took him to the vet yesterday and now have him on the road to recovery!  He has been fighting some kind of a skin condition (found out that it is a yeast infection!) for a while now that was making him really itchy and uncomfortable, but whenever he WASN’T itching and scratching he was sleeping.  After one day of meds and treatment, he already acts more like his bright-eyed curious self.  Anna took this picture – she was watching a show on the computer and Gizmo was staring at her like, “Whacha doin?  Can I do it too?”.  So great to see him active and happy again!

But the bad news is he is back on Prednisone so he is a food-craving machine!  Last time he was on Prednisone we controlled him pretty well and he only gained a couple of pounds, but the time before he gained over 6 pounds.  When you only weight about 23 pounds, that’s a lot!

Oh well, it’s just great to have our old guy back and feeling good!
