It MUST be close to Christmas…


This gallery contains 4 photos.

…even my dogs are behaving!  I wonder what they think they might get if they are good!  Or maybe they are plotting something – we better be careful.  Chipotle does put land mines (his toys) on the stairs hoping to Continue reading It MUST be close to Christmas…


Getting the Old Gizmo Back!!!

My Gizmo is beginning to get back to normal – finally took him to the vet yesterday and now have him on the road to recovery!  He has been fighting some kind of a skin condition (found out that it is a yeast infection!) for a while now that was making him really itchy and uncomfortable, but whenever he WASN’T itching and scratching he was sleeping.  After one day of meds and treatment, he already acts more like his bright-eyed curious self.  Anna took this picture – she was watching a show on the computer and Gizmo was staring at her like, “Whacha doin?  Can I do it too?”.  So great to see him active and happy again!

But the bad news is he is back on Prednisone so he is a food-craving machine!  Last time he was on Prednisone we controlled him pretty well and he only gained a couple of pounds, but the time before he gained over 6 pounds.  When you only weight about 23 pounds, that’s a lot!

Oh well, it’s just great to have our old guy back and feeling good!


Where’s Gizmo? Kinda like “Where’s Waldo?”


This gallery contains 2 photos.

I could not find Gizmo this morning anywhere!  He wasn’t in any of his favorite sleeping spots and wasn’t making a peep when I called him.  I even went out in the backyard and looked for him even though it Continue reading Where’s Gizmo? Kinda like “Where’s Waldo?”
