A new appreciation for words…


(This was actually written on Friday before we left LAX on our second attempt – I had some internet and WordPress problems and lost the post completely for a couple of days and then got back about half of it)

Just a crazy observation from my “travel” adventure of the last 24 hours.  I have a new hatred for the word “deplane”. In my 40-some odd years I have seldom felt the need to take notice of this word, let alone use it in any meaningful way. But last night at about 11:00pm I was accosted by the word “deplane” in a painful and depressing way.

Picture if you will, after a 3+ hour delay in the airport we were finally, and hurriedly, loaded onto the plane.  Let’s say we got “planed”.  I was all settled in. There were actual, real-life, standard power plugs, standard ear phone plugs and usb ports at each seat!  My phone was plugged in as was my tablet,  my earbuds were in and working and I had already started watching the new “Oz” movie. Life was indeed good.

Suddenly,  the audio of my movie was interrupted by what I feared from the start was NOT the pleasant voice of the pilot welcoming us on board. Sure enough,  the voice used the evil word “deplane”. I’m not even sure what else he said,  all I knew was that my comfort was at an end. I would have to disconnect and pack away my comfortable electronic connectedness and re-enter the terminal.

After some 4 plus hours of negotiation and computer gymnastics, we were re-booked in two separate groups, one continuing on through Japan and the other by way of Shanghai. The problem was that the flights were not until noon (Japan) and 3pm (Shanghai) the next day (well actually later this day as it was now about 4:30 in the morning). Another hour and a half later, we arrived in comped hotel rooms to get a little shut-eye before the next leg of our journey was to begin.

This brings me to my new favorite word – phrase actually – “blackout curtains”. From about 5:30am to 9:00am I got the best sleep ever for it being daytime – the curtains fooled me into thinking I was sleeping through the the night. After a wonderful shower, I was refreshed and ready to give this travel thing another go.

Even through it all, I would hardly call any of this “missional suffering”. We were always in clean, air-conditioned safety and comfort, we always had access to clean water and plenty of food, and we were going through all of this to get onto an airplane – a luxury that the majority of people in this world will never even experience in their lifetimes.

On with the journey…


Bono on Jesus | Fabulous interview!


“But I love the idea of the Sacrificial Lamb. I love the idea that God says: Look, you cretins, there are certain results to the way we are, to selfishness, and there’s a mortality as part of your very sinful nature, and, let’s face it, you’re not living a very good life, are you? There are consequences to actions. The point of the death of Christ is that Christ took on the sins of the world, so that what we put out did not come back to us, and that our sinful nature does not reap the obvious death. That’s the point. It should keep us humbled . It’s not our own good works that get us through the gates of heaven.” – Bono

If you have ever wondered, as I have, where Bono really stands in his faith and what he truly believes, you need to read this interview exchange between Bono and  a music journalist named Michka Assayas.  He is very clear, and right on I believe, about the difference between “religion” and having a personal relationship with your Savior.  I always thought he was in the “God is love and that’s all that matters” and “my understanding of God is more important than what the Bible says” camp, but he really gets God’s plan of salvation and speaks the gospel clearly and eloquently – fabulous!

And best of all he uses his faith and his position to spread the love of God throughout the world in real and powerful ways, especially in the Third World. Read the interview all the way through – the ending is really good.  And I love the way he deals with the difference between relying on karma and relying on grace.  I think I need to read this book…

Read the full interview here: Bono on Jesus.

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A tough stage of parenting…

Disclaimer: this picture does not reflect what my kids actually look like today, only what I see when I look at them.

I find myself having a tough time parenting lately.  With my kids now at or approaching the late teen years and the end of the “school days”, I am finding it harder and harder to know when to assume control of situations and responses to situations and when to back off.  I have always allowed my kids to resolve their problems for themselves and think independently – under the watchful and supportive eyes of mom and dad and with liberal amounts of counsel and advice as needed.  But now, when I should be happy with the “payoff ” of all our hard work and the independence it brings to the kids and to Terry and I, instead I feel hurt and shut out.  How dumb is that?

They just don’t seem to get the importance of grades, relationships, dedication, commitment (I could go on and on…) in quite the same why I do!  Well, OK – I’m a bit older than they are and I see things differently through the lens of experience and wisdom – DON’T THEY GET THAT!?!  Um, sorry – got a little excited for a moment.  I think they DO get it, maybe more than I give them credit for sometimes.  Could it be that it is time to follow through on all of my talk about wanting them to be independent, take their faith on for themselves, come to terms with ways to live out their convictions, and – oh no – to allow them to make mistakes (in a controlled environment with me and Dad here to help pick up the pieces, of course)?

I understood separation anxiety when it happened to the kids when they were little, but I am finding it harder to take as a parent.   Maybe because I am so used to feeling in control, even though that has never really been true anyways.  The only one truly in control, now and throughout time to bring us all to this place, is God.

I just finished reading chapter two of “Trusting God” by Jerry Bridges.  It is titled “Is God in Control?” and his firm answer is absolutely.  God’s divine providence is His constant care for and His absolute rule over all His creation for His glory and the good of His people.  I know that in all things – in everyday mundane things and gradual life changes as well as in the hurtful, lasting sufferings that life brings – I must trust God.  I must trust that He is continually at work in every aspect and every moment of my life and in the lives of my kids.  Wow!

God give me the patience to rest in your providence and to know that, even though it is feeling like my parenting work is almost done (that will never actually happen!), You love my kids and are working all things for their ultimate good because they love You and have been called according to Your purpose (Romans 8:28).


7 Reasons To Act Like a Turkey This Thanksgiving

If someone calls you a turkey, it’s usually not a good thing. And yet, Benjamin Franklin liked the turkey better than the bald eagle as the symbol of America.* Why is that??

I decided to learn a little about them and discovered how interesting they are. While clearly there’s one big reason NOT to be a turkey at Thanksgiving (ehem), we’d enjoy the holiday a lot more if we acted like them.

They’re good listeners
Turkeys don’t have physical ears, but they have amazing hearing. Like them, when we find we’re missing resources we think we need to be present with others, we can listen anyway. Let’s be good listeners this holiday.

They’re open about feelings
A turkey’s grey head and neck skin changes colors with their mood – if they’re nervous, excited, scared or sad. Being real lets others know what to expect from them in the moment. Let’s decide we’ll be honest and real in ways that open relationships this holiday too.

They’re surprising… in a good way

See the rest of the “7 Reasons” by clicking here


My New Life – Low Carb, Low Fat Wonderfulness…


Well, it’s time to come to grips with my situation and make some changes.  Maybe a public proclamation will help keep me on the straight and narrow this time.

My sugar is high (not diabetic…yet), my cholesterol is high, my blood pressure is high and my weight – well it’s high,too.

Time to make some changes!  I have signed up for Weight Watchers online and am trying to change my evil ways – at least when it comes to food.

I guess veggies and fish are my new best friends – and starches, sugar and fat are the enemy.

Your prayers and encouragement would be greatly appreciated!


It’s that time of year again – get your shoe box ready & bless a child!

It’s that time of year again –
get your shoe box ready & bless a child!

Will the children in your life react like this to what they get for Christmas? We have so much in this country, and especially in Southern California, that we don’t even begin to understand how such a small gift can mean so much. Let your kids help you purchase the gifts and assemble an Operation Christmas Child shoe box this year.  You know that it would be such a blessing to and so appreciated by the child that receives, but you might be surprised by the impact it could have on your kids.  Give your kids this opportunity to share God’s love with other children they don’t even know and see what happens!


what I’m learning…


I really need to learn to manage my time better now that I work only part-time and mostly from home.  I worked full-time for so long that I am finding it hard to be productive when I don’t have to get up, get ready, and get out first thing in the morning.  Maybe I’ll start pretending that I need to get up , get ready and get out!

I don’t know if this new blogging thing will be helpful in organizing my thoughts or just another distraction – we’ll see…


what I’m learning…


Then Job answered the LORD and said:
“I know that you can do all things,
and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
‘Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?’
Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand,
things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.
‘Hear, and I will speak;
I will question you, and you make it known to me.’
I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear,
but now my eye sees you;
therefore I despise myself,
and repent in dust and ashes.”
(Job 42:1-6 ESV)

You can learn a lot teaching Sunday School to kids. God is in control, He is all I need, He wants what is best for me – why do I feel the need to question Him so often? May I too “despise myself and repent” like Job.
