Taft Avenue Church Camp 2011


This gallery contains 85 photos.

We had a great time again this year at Church Camp for Taft Avenue Community Church.  The theme was “Simple Church” and the session teaching came straight out of 2 Timothy.  We all learned the importance of knowing the gospel, Continue reading Taft Avenue Church Camp 2011


My kids are a blessing…and not always just to me!

My kids, along with Victoria from the youth group and Jesus from GGHS, blessed a bunch of elderly folks by leading a worship service at Emeritus in Orange this afternoon. Anna did a great job playing guitar and leading worship, and Tim gave the message!

Tim taught on the importance of being a Christian of courage and authenticity even when confronted by difficult times and people. He used the example of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his courage and faithfulness in speaking truth to his congregants, neighbors and even directly to the Nazis in the face of certain death.  He did a great job!  The verse for the lesson was:

Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right.

– Proverbs 20:11

Well, my kids sure showed me something today…


It’s that time of year again – get your shoe box ready & bless a child!

It’s that time of year again –
get your shoe box ready & bless a child!

Will the children in your life react like this to what they get for Christmas? We have so much in this country, and especially in Southern California, that we don’t even begin to understand how such a small gift can mean so much. Let your kids help you purchase the gifts and assemble an Operation Christmas Child shoe box this year.  You know that it would be such a blessing to and so appreciated by the child that receives, but you might be surprised by the impact it could have on your kids.  Give your kids this opportunity to share God’s love with other children they don’t even know and see what happens!
