10 Proven Ways To Be More Creative | WithoutWax.tv by Pete Wilson.
A post by Pete Wilson of a post by Eric Barker (and now by me)
Pete Wilson says: “There’s a deep desire in me to continue to learn how to be more and more creative in my work, family and life in general. The other day I stumbled across THIS POST entitled ’10 Proven Ways To Be More Creative.’ Here’s the 10 they listed. My thoughts are in parenthesis.”
1. Get on a plane. Travel, moving and exposure to other cultures improve creativity. (No doubt)
2. Don’t surround yourself with the color red, stick to blue. (Have no idea what this has to do with creativity but I’ll try it)
3. Get rejected. (I’ve seen this over and over in my life. I’m currently re-working a manuscript I had rejected and I think it’s going to be 10x better in the long run)
4. Buy a potted plant. (I garden and it’s a great mental break)
5. Pretend you’re solving problems for someone else. Or pretend you’re a child. (Love the idea of thinking like a child)
6. Learn another language. (I’ve always wanted to learn Spanish)
7. Think about love, not sex. (Ummmmm, Okay, I’ll try)
8. Hopeful employees are more creative, as are overconfident CEO’s. But being creative won’t get you the CEO job.
9. Take a break and stop being so hard on yourself. (I wrote about this in detail HERE)
10. Smile. Or frown while happy. But either way, be happy. (Is anyone else humming a certain song right now?)
Do you have any ideas?
What would help you be more creative?